Hope is working – towards wellness

butterfly on daisy

                          Can you spot the non-petals?

In Weston, our little home hideaway, we have a strong interest in mental wellness and sharing skills to allow others to become more themselves if they will allow it.

Alan was teaching his WRAP courses (wellness recovery action plan) and asked me to write a response in the same way as he asks his groups, on the subject of hope. The following words are from a song that resulted and he used it this week with a group. It seemed to strike a chord and they asked me to share it. In this creative spirit he and I complement each other, as indeed we all do to create the vibrant mix that is mankind. For all the dark, there is light, for all the difficult times, there will be tranquillity. Life is a balance. Riding the waves.

I am feeling the crush in my brain

I’m feeling the start of the pain

the spiral has begun to turn

I’m imploding and emotions burn

Remembering theres’ hope in life

still there in time of strife

this despair is just a wave to ride

and hope stands on the other side

Breathing in I feel how my heart is strong

releasing tension, the air moves on

I can breathe out the pain I am sure

opening my mind to the hope at my door

Holding onto Hope, holding on this time

knowing that the pain is old, not mine

fixing onto life, fixing onto light

heart expands and hope comes into sight